Family run restaurant for craftbeer lovers

Our restaurant with craftbeer shop is located in hearth of UNESCO town Kromeriz. Our capacity is ca 60 seats indoor. From April till end of September we have also summer terrace on Kovarska pedestrian zone. We love to cook traditional czech cusine, but we also grilled very good steaks, burgers etc. We use dry aged beef from Eagle Mountains farms.

We have eight beers on tap. Usually at least three of them are from local breweries. If you prefer wine, you can try our famous Arcibishop´s chateua wine.

New beers on tap

All taps

Opening hours


11 A.M. – 10 P.M.
we cook until 9 P.M.


11 A.M. – 11 P.M.
we cook until 10 P.M.


11 A.M. – 5 P.M.
we cook until 4 P.M.